April 2015
Another Reason To Allow Guns On Campus: An armed and dangerous suspect, considered violent, who had a warrant recently issued for absconding his parole, is a registered sex offender, and who had been serving a 30-year sentence for multiple violent crimes including rape and burglary prior to his parole was found on the University of Missouri’s campus earlier this morning, Thursday, April 16, 2015.
By now you’re probably think this has to be a joke, right. I mean the MU campus is a gun-free place, so certainly someone wouldn’t enter it with a firearm. Well guess what… bad people don’t obey the laws like legally concerned citizens do.
Gun-Free Campuses: remember that you’re walking unarmed and unaware that an armed convicted rapist & sex offender on parole could be waiting for you!
The suspect, Mark W. Adair, was fatally shot on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Missouri. A Columbia police officer and an MU police officer were involved in the shooting of armed suspect, Mark W. Adair, who is believed to have held a woman at gunpoint in her vehicle the previous evening. The MU officer was wearing a body camera when the scene unfolding and they will be releasing the footage at a later date as the investigation continues. The good news is that no other individuals are known to be involved in the shooting incident that happened in the second floor of the Hitt Street parking garage at MU this morning. While MU officer(s) and police were first on the scene and took care of business, one has to wonder how the story would have turned out differently if there were a few unarmed oblivious citizens on the scene prior forced to obey the university’s gun-free policy. Next time you’re on a Missouri gun-free campus, remember that you’re walking unarmed and unaware that an armed convicted rapist & sex offender on parole could be waiting for you.
University of Missouri regulations chapter 110:4:a states that, “The possession of and discharge of firearms, weapons and explosives on University property including University farms is prohibited except in regularly approved programs or by University agents or employees in the line of duty.”
The University of Missouri is listed on the list of colleges and universities that have joined the “Guns Off Campus” campaign.