February 16, 2025
Firearms Legal

Carrying a Firearm in Missouri

Carrying a Firearm in Missouri

Can I Openly Carry A Firearm in Missouri?

Yes, but it depends on local ordinances. Open carry is generally legal in Missouri, but cities and local governments within Missouri have the right to limit open carry. It is best to simply get a concealed carry license and carry your firearm concealed, which is legal state-wide in Missouri, except for a few places. (see this link)

Firearms in a Vehicle in Missouri?

You do not need a permit to carry a firearm in your vehicle while in Missouri. Even concealing a firearm on your person while in a vehicle is okay, as long as you don’t step outside of the car while concealing it. “Missouri now permits any person who is at least 19 years old to transport a concealable firearm in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle. No concealed carry endorsement is required. Under the old law, the peaceable journey exception to the unlawful-use-of-a-weapon law permitted travelers on a continuous peaceable journey to carry a concealed weapon. The peaceable journey exception is still in the law, and may apply in circumstances where the new law does not (i.e. if the person is less than 21 years old).” – (see this link)

In addition to the concealed carry permit discussed above, Missouri now permits any person who is at least 19 years old to transport a concealable firearm in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle. No concealed carry permit is required. The peaceable journey exception is still in the law, and may apply in circumstances where the new law does not (i.e. if the person is less than 19 years old). Note: This law does not affect the statute prohibiting possession of a concealable firearm by a dangerous felon.

What are the Local Ordinances?

Local firearm ordinances in Missouri vary. They allow one city or community to outlaw the carrying of firearms openly, while the city 10 miles away legally allows it. The views of politicians in local government play a significant role in what is allowed and what is considered illegal for certain cities and municipalities. While concealed carry is a statewide law, open carrying in Missouri is left up to local governments. << If you live in Missouri, you’re better off just getting your concealed carry license and carrying that way. It will also save you a lot of grief when the police show up to Walmart and try to arrest you for legally openly carrying because someone reported a man with a gun.

Obtaining A Concealed Weapon Permit – Eligibility

A Missouri resident must be at least 19 years old to apply for a concealed and carry permit, with a few exceptions. A person who is at least 18 years old and is a member of the United States Armed Forces, or is honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces, is a citizen of the United States and has assumed residency, and is stationed in Missouri may apply for a Missouri concealed carry permit. The spouse of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed in Missouri who is 19 years old may also apply for a Missouri concealed carry permit.

If you wish to obtain a concealed weapon permit, you must first complete a firearms safety course at least eight hours in length. Check with your local sheriff’s office for the most recent qualification standards. Once the firearms safety course is completed, the next step is to apply for the permit at your local sheriff’s office. You must present a copy of the firearms training course certificate, complete an application, and pay a non-refundable fee of $100. You may apply only in the county in which you reside. The application to the local sheriff (or police chief, if applicable, in first class counties) will contain a sworn statement.

This statement verifies the applicant:

  • meets the age requirement.
  • is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  • has assumed residency in Missouri, or is an armed forces member or spouse stationed in Missouri.
  • has not been convicted, or pled guilty or nolo contendre to any felony.
  • has no weapons-related misdemeanor conviction.
  • has not been convicted within the past five years of a violent misdemeanor.
  • has not been convicted of two or more misdemeanors involving DWI or possession or abuse of a controlled substance within the past five years.
  • is not a fugitive.
  • is not currently charged with a felony.
  • has not been dishonorably discharged from the armed forces.
  • has not been adjudged mentally incompetent within the past five years.
  • has received the required firearms safety training.
  • is not the respondent of a valid full order of protection.

Concealed Weapons May NOT Be Carried:

In accordance with Section 571.107 RSMo., you may not carry a concealed weapon in the following places:

  • any police, sheriff, or Highway Patrol office or station without consent;
  • within 25 feet of any polling place on Election Day;
  • adult or juvenile jail or institution;
  • courthouse or facilities;
  • any meeting of a government body (except by a member of the governing body with a concealed carry permit);
  • bar without consent;
  • airport;
  • where prohibited by federal law;
  • schools;
  • child care facility (without consent of manager);
  • riverboat gambling facility;
  • amusement parks;
  • any church of place of worship without permission of minister or person representing religious organization;
  • any sports arena or stadium (with seating for more than 5,000);
  • hospitals; and
  • private or public property where posted.

Possession of a firearm in a vehicle on the premesis of any of the above-listed location is not prohitibed so long as the firearm is not removed from the vehicle or brandished while the vehicle is on the premises. Carrying a concealed firearm in any location specified is not a criminal act. However, you can be denied access to the premises or may be removed from the premises for doing so. If a peace officer is summoned:

  • Upon the frist offense, you can be cited and fined up to $100.
  • If within six months, a second offense occurs, you can be fined up to $200, and your concealed firearms permit can be suspended for a period of one year.
  • If within one year of the first offense a third citation for a similar violation is issued, you may be fined up to $500, and your concealed carry permit revoked. If you concealed carry permit is revoked, you are not eligible for the permit for a period of three years.